7 Tips for Supporting Your Child in a Bilingual Preschool

May 29, 2023

As a parent, you play a pivotal role in your child's educational journey, particularly when they are embarking on a bilingual learning path. You may be asking, "How can I make sure they get the most from their bilingual preschool experience?" This guide provides seven key strategies that can greatly enhance your child's bilingual learning journey at Manna.

Understanding Bilingual Education

What is Bilingual Education?

Bilingual education is an innovative approach to learning, which involves teaching academic content in two languages - in Manna's case, English and Spanish. It's a dynamic, engaging, and enriching way to educate children, fostering a broader cultural understanding while imparting critical cognitive skills.

The Importance of Parental Involvement

Parental involvement is a significant component of a child's success in a bilingual environment. Your interest, encouragement, and participation can make a substantial difference, helping your child become more confident and enthusiastic about learning Spanish.

Tips for Supporting Your Child in a Bilingual Preschool

Create a Bilingual Environment at Home

Integrating Spanish into your home environment is a practical first step. Try to use Spanish words during everyday activities, like eating, playing, or bedtime storytelling. Make use of bilingual books, TV shows, or music. This exposure creates a fun and natural atmosphere for language learning.

Foster a Positive Attitude Towards the Second Language

Your attitude towards the Spanish language can influence your child's perspective. Show curiosity and excitement about Spanish, and they are likely to do the same. Praising their efforts and progress, no matter how small, can boost their motivation.

Be Patient and Encouraging

Remember, learning a new language is a marathon, not a sprint. There will be ups and downs, but your patience and encouragement will help your child persevere. Celebrate their progress and reassure them during challenging times.

Utilize Available Bilingual Resources

There is an array of bilingual resources available today. Apps, online courses, games, and bilingual storybooks can enhance your child's language learning outside the classroom. Many of these resources are designed to make learning engaging and entertaining.

Communicate Regularly with the Teachers

Teachers are your allies in this journey. Regularly communicating with them can give you insights into your child's progress, areas of strength, and aspects needing improvement. They can also suggest effective strategies for supporting your child's learning at home.

Encourage Interaction with Native Speakers

If possible, provide opportunities for your child to interact with native Spanish speakers. These interactions can be in person, online, or during family vacations. Exposure to native speakers can significantly boost your child's language proficiency and cultural understanding.

Create a Routine that Includes the Second Language

Creating a daily routine that incorporates Spanish can make learning feel more natural and less like a chore. Use Spanish during meal times, play times, and bedtime routines. This daily exposure can help reinforce what your child learns at school.


Supporting your child in their bilingual learning journey is a rewarding process that requires patience, consistency, and involvement. These seven tips can provide the framework for enhancing your child's bilingual preschool experience at Manna. With your support, they can achieve proficiency in Spanish, enrich their cultural understanding, and acquire valuable cognitive skills that will serve them well in our increasingly global society.


Q1: How can I incorporate Spanish into our home environment if I don't speak Spanish?

A: There are many resources available that can help you, like bilingual books, TV shows, music, and language learning apps. You don't need to be fluent in Spanish; your involvement and enthusiasm can make a significant impact.

Q2: Will my child get confused learning two languages at once?

A: While children may mix languages initially, this is a natural part of the bilingual learning process. Over time, they'll learn to distinguish between the two languages.

Q3: How can I monitor my child's progress in Spanish?

A: Regular communication with your child's teachers can give you insights into their progress. Additionally, observing your child use Spanish in daily activities or with bilingual resources can also demonstrate their growing proficiency.

Q4: My child seems to be resisting learning Spanish. What should I do?

A: Make sure to maintain a positive and encouraging attitude. Make learning fun through games, music, and stories. Reassure your child that it's okay to make mistakes and that learning a new language takes time.

Q5: Will learning Spanish interfere with my child's English development?

A: Research suggests that bilingual education can actually enhance cognitive and linguistic abilities. Children in bilingual environments often show better problem-solving skills and creativity, without negatively impacting their first language development.

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