Schedule Tour

Cultivating Curiosity, Compassion, and Cultural Understanding

Why Spanish Immersion?

At Manna Preschool, we deeply believe in the power of bilingual education. By immersing our students in Spanish, we're not just teaching them a language – we're expanding their horizons, boosting cognitive development, and fostering a deep appreciation for other cultures. Starting this journey in early childhood equips them with valuable skills and a broadened worldview, cultivating a new generation of compassionate, globally-aware individuals. Choosing Spanish immersion is choosing to open a world of opportunities for your child.


Bilingualism Boosts Cognitive Development

The early years are an optimal period for language acquisition. Bilingual children often demonstrate better problem-solving skills, increased creativity, and improved multitasking abilities. At Manna, our Spanish immersion program fosters these cognitive benefits, nurturing a love for languages while enhancing cognitive growth.


Immersion Fosters Cultural Appreciation

Language is the gateway to understanding cultures. As our students engage with Spanish, they delve into the richness of Hispanic culture, fostering respect and appreciation for cultural diversity. This immersion equips them with global perspectives, encouraging them to become compassionate global citizens.


Spanish is a Global Language

Spanish is the second most commonly spoken language worldwide, making it a valuable skill for future opportunities. Beyond practicality, learning Spanish at Manna opens doors to a diverse world of literature, music, and art, enriching students' educational experience and widening their future horizons.


Evaluation & Benefits

Despite the flexible nature of the emergent curriculum, we employ a variety of assessment tools for comprehensive child development. Detailed documentation of projects, photographic records, and written observations serve as robust assessment tools. This approach stimulates creativity, encourages active engagement, promotes strong communication, and acknowledges every child's unique learning pace and style.

Role of the Teacher

Teachers at Manna are not merely bystanders; they actively facilitate learning. By providing materials, asking questions, and supporting exploration, our educators foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and a collaborative learning environment imbued with Christian principles.


Observation is at the heart of our emergent curriculum. Our skilled educators understand children's interests, using these insights to form the basis of our project-based learning activities. This approach makes learning a natural extension of children's innate curiosity.

At Manna, our Constructive Curriculum forms the cornerstone of our pedagogical approach. It's designed to foster active, hands-on learning and exploration, seamlessly integrating Spanish immersion and Christian teachings. Through a balance of structured activities and free exploration, all conducted in Spanish, children naturally acquire language skills while also absorbing Christian values. Our approach creates a holistic learning environment that encourages curiosity, fosters intellectual growth, and nurtures spiritual development.


2022-2023 Monthly Tuition Rates

Preschool (3, 4, and 5’s) 

  • 2 days/week (Tuesdays and Thursdays)
  • 3 days/week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
  • 5 days/week

*2-day-per-week attendance minimum 

Call or email us for tuition information

Enrollment Information:

  • Payment of Tuition: We request that tuition be paid in full by the 1st of each month, with a grace period extending to the 5th.
  • Enrollment Fee: Upon confirmation of enrollment, a one-off payment of $200.00 per child is due. This ensures the child's place in our program and covers their initial schedule set-up. CaPlease note, this fee is not refundable.
  • Post-5th day fee: payments will be subject to a daily late charge of $100 until the tuition is paid in full.

  • Continuous Enrollment: As a year-round preschool, we welcome students into our program at any point during the year.
  • Yearly Re-enrollment Fee: A nominal fee of $150.00 is required on a yearly basis to secure your child's place for the following academic year.
  • Policy for Delayed Pick-up: A late fee of $5.00 per minute will be charged if a child is not collected on time, with the fee being payable to the teacher on closing duty. Our facility closes its doors at 5:00 pm.
  • Notice Period for Withdrawal: A notice period of one full month is needed if you wish to withdraw your child from our program.
  • Annual Adjustment in Tuition: To accommodate for operational cost increases and staff wage growth, we adjust the tuition rates annually between 2-5%.

Supply Fee

 An annual supply fee of $250 is applicable and is non-refundable. This fee covers supplies used during the school year. This fee will automatically be added to the first month’s tuition and to the re-enrollment fee.

Available Discounts

  • Church Member Discount A 5% discount is available for church members. Please note that this discount does not apply to deposit and enrollment fees.
  • Multiples Discount: We provide a 10% reduction in tuition fees for every additional student within the same family.
  • Referral Discount: For each new student referred by a current family and subsequently enrolled at our school, a $100 deduction will be applied to the referring family's tuition fees.
  • Advance Payment Discount: Families who opt to pay the tuition for the full year or half the year at the time of enrollment can avail a 3% discount.

Closures & Hours

More informaiton below for 2022-2023 School Year:

Teacher In-service Day: August 18th
Labor Day: September 4th
Indigenous Day: October 9th
Veterans Day: November 10th
Fall Break: November 20th to 24th
Winter Break: December 18th - January 1st (Back on Jan 2nd)

Martin Luther King Jr. Day: January 15th
Presidents Day: February 29th
Spring Break: March 25th-19th
Teacher In-service Day: April 24th
Memorial Day: May 27th
Juneteenth: June 19th
Summer Break: July 1st - July 5th

*Please note: We follow Newberg School District Closure (ex. snow day).


Monday-Friday 8:00am - 5:30pm.


Non-Discriminatory Policy

We respect and value diversity in our school. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality, or ethnic origin in our educational and admission policies.

Volunteer Policy

We welcome and encourage parents to volunteer in various school activities, including field trips, school events, and classroom activities.

Health and Safety Policy

Parents must ensure that their children are immunized and healthy when attending school. In the event of a child's illness, parents should inform the school immediately. Safety is our utmost priority; we encourage parents to reinforce safety guidelines at home.

Absence Policy

Parents must notify the preschool if their child is going to be absent. Absence without prior notice should only occur in case of emergency.

Communication Policy

Open, respectful communication between parents, teachers, and staff is crucial. Parents are encouraged to communicate any concerns, suggestions, or relevant family situations that may affect the child's behavior or performance in school. Regular parent-teacher meetings will be scheduled.

Religious Policy

We follow Christian principles and teach Christian values in our curriculum at our Newberg Oregon location. Parents are expected to respect the Christian values and traditions imparted through our curriculum. We appreciate your support in re-emphasizing these values at home.

Spanish Immersion Policy

Our curriculum emphasizes Spanish language acquisition, where instruction is conducted primarily in Spanish, with gradual introduction of English. Parents are encouraged to reinforce the Spanish language at home as much as possible to enhance the immersion experience.


Newberg Preschool

1800 Hoskins St,

Newberg, OR 97132


8:00 AM to 5:30 PM




How does Manna Spanish Immersion Preschool work?

At Manna Spanish Immersion Preschool, instruction is given primarily in Spanish. This means that teachers speak Spanish during their lessons and interact with students in Spanish throughout the day. Children are encouraged to use Spanish during their interactions with each other and their teachers. Over time, children naturally start to comprehend and then speak Spanish.

How will my child understand what's being said at Manna Spanish Immersion Preschool?

Children are incredibly adaptable, especially at a young age. At first, they might rely on body language, tone, and context to understand. Teachers at Manna Spanish Immersion Preschool are trained in techniques that help children understand new words and phrases through visual aids, gestures, repetition, and songs. As they hear Spanish consistently, they'll start understanding and eventually speaking the language.

Will my child fall behind in English at Manna Spanish Immersion Preschool?

No, bilingual or immersion programs like Manna Spanish Immersion Preschool do not hinder the development of the child's first language. English language development continues at home and in social interactions outside of school. Furthermore, the skills learned from acquiring a second language can transfer and reinforce knowledge in their first language.

What if we don't speak Spanish at home?

That's not a problem. The immersive school environment at Manna Spanish Immersion Preschool will provide ample exposure for your child to learn Spanish. At home, you can support your child's learning by showing enthusiasm and interest in their new language skills. Manna Spanish Immersion Preschool provides resources to help families learn along with their children.

Is there an ideal age for my child to start at Manna Spanish Immersion Preschool?

It's never too early or too late to start learning a second language, but research shows that younger children can acquire languages more easily than older children or adults. Preschool age (3-5 years) is an excellent time to start at Manna Spanish Immersion Preschool.

How does Manna Spanish Immersion Preschool incorporate Christian values in the curriculum?

Manna Spanish Immersion Preschool incorporates Christian values by instilling lessons of kindness, respect, and empathy in everyday activities and interactions. We provide a nurturing environment where Christian values are lived and taught through storytelling, role modeling, and themed activities. Our mission is to foster a strong moral compass in our students that aligns with Christian teachings.

What makes Manna Spanish Immersion Preschool's experiential curriculum unique?

Our experiential curriculum promotes active engagement, immersing children in hands-on learning experiences in a Spanish-speaking environment. This approach not only helps children naturally acquire Spanish but also cultivates their critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration skills. We tailor our approach to each child's unique learning style, emphasizing a holistic view of development that includes cognitive, social, emotional, and physical aspects.